SJCL is approved by CSAAVE to certify students for all chapters under a waiver from the Dept of Veteran’s Affairs through August 29, 2024. Any students enrolled by this date can utilize educational benefits as long as they are continuously enrolled in the program. For more information contact the school’s certifying official, Lisa Nilmeier.

SJCL is committed to helping our veteran students apply for and receive educational benefits, including Post 9/11, Vocational Readiness & Employment (VR&E), and Dependents’ Educational Assistance. To determine eligibility and apply for these benefits, go to the VA website at You may also call the VA regional office in Oklahoma (for California schools) at 888-442-4552 for further information and assistance. The SJCL VA Certifying Official is located in the Financial Aid Office. Veterans who have been approved for educational benefits must provide a copy of their DD214 (if applicable) and letter of eligibility to this office. You may contact the Financial Aid Office for further information and/or guidance.

Rev. 3/24