Darcy Brown

Darcy Brown

Adjunct Professor of Law



J.D., San Joaquin College of Law
B.S., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Courses Taught

Legal Methods I
Legal Methods II

Professor Brown is an attorney specializing in housing law, land and water use policy, and environmental compliance. She has represented clients in unlawful detainer actions and provided continuing education to members of the Real Property Section of the Fresno County Bar Association. Over the past 15 years, she has engaged in long-range land and water use planning efforts throughout the San Joaquin Valley on behalf of a variety of organizations. Professor Brown was Valedictorian of the 2018 graduating class of SJCL, where she earned 12 Witkin Awards for Academic Excellence and was a George A Hopper Moot Court Oral Argument Finalist. She has a bachelor of science degree in forestry and natural resources.